Areas of expertise

FutureLab & Partners cover the key areas of knowledge utilised to accelerate the commercialisation and market adoption of new technologies. We collaborate with a close network of partners and also advise and educate in the following  knowledge areas.

Innovation & Funding

Circular Economy & System Design

Prototyping & Visualisation

Future Materials & Technologies

Brand & Market Economics

Innovation & Funding

FutureLab & Partners does not refer to us, but rather the partners we collaborate with in order to accelerate new technologies into future systems. Our collaboration model aims to accelerate new and even more sustainable technologies to the market while adding value to all stakeholders. Using all means possible in our areas of expertise.

- Liselotte Tingvall

Circular Economy & System Design

The circular economy as a framework for sustainable businesses is a really powerful tool if used in the right way. Recycling and CO2 is only part of the story. In our partner network we have the ability to create tangible cases for how to put Circular Economy & system design into practise.

- Kinge Gardien

Future Materials & Material Science

The emerging technologies at the  institutes and startups of the world harbours the key to solve many of the challenges we face today. Science and new technologies must be utilised to create new systems and add new value. Our passion is the connection between what is feasible and what is desirable.

- David Sandquist

Brand & Market Value Creation

The growing pressure on brands and retailers to be a good influence and leaders with a purpose requires leading brands to take a more active role in creating more sustainable systems. It is a steep challenge to deliver on the sustainability goals without compromising financials and the responsibility towards all stakeholders. We work with brands that want to act as pioneers and be an active part of early developments because it makes business sense and because it builds strong brands and culture.

- Linn Eklund

Prototyping & Visualisation

An image says more than a thousand words. When we create new concepts and systems, the visual representation is a powerful tool to create engagement and ensure that each partner in our projects share the same vision. Shared visual representation enable partners to work together across multiple disciplines and parts of the supply & value chains to solve the challenges that arise in the process of creating something new.

- Axel Brechensbauer

Design & Emotions

Beauty is a viewer's perception. We value our time to create beautiful and stunning designs. Design requires more than simply good looks; it also needs to have meaning, functionality, and a compelling story.

- Kim Onchoi Stenmark